воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

13 упражнений с подъёмами гантелей под мышки (англ)

1. DB standing simultaneous quarter squat & up on toes two hands raise to armpit

Standing with DB in hands ot hip level. Bend your knees and simultaneously with knee extension, rase the DB up to your armpit, at the some time coming up onto your toes. Hold your body vertically upright and do not lean your trunk or your head forward. Keep your arms at your sides. Allow the DB to hang freely and do not reverse curl your wrist.

2. DB standing alternate quarter squat & up on toes raise to armpit

3. DB standing one-hand quarter squat & up on toes raise to armpit

4. DB seated simultaneous two hands raise to armpit
tight abdominal muscles. Look straightahead.

5. DB seated alternate raise to armpit

6. DB seated one-hand raise to armpit

7. DB standing simultaneous two hands raise to armpit and split jump
Standing in a lunge, DB in hand next to the thighs, trunk in perfect vertical line. It is very important the perfect split jump technique. Do not jump up, just split the legs; keep the trunk in a vertical position; tighten the abdominal muscles; the front leg lands always first on heels and then rolls over on flat foot. There are three variations of it:

a. regular split jump without any arm movement

b. split jumps with simultaneous arms raises to the arm pit
on each leg split (changing leg position by spitting back and forth, but not jumping up), raise the arms up to the armpit (same technique as regular DB Raise to Armpit) and during the split let the arms down. Every leg split movement is connected with a DB raise to the armpit and repositioning of the arms, straight down to the initial position. Learning the exercise is best if the movement is sequenced, practicing each stage separately. After good аrm-leg coordination is achieved, the different parts of the exercise can be connected and executed in a nonstop manner

c. the split jump variations
can be executed with short lunges or wide lunges, depending the goals. For example: sprinters, long and triple jumpers should practice both forms; long distance runners need to focus more on the short split jump with DB raises to the armpit.

8. DB standing alternate arm raise to armpit and walking in place
Stand with DB next to the trunk at hip level, elbow slightly bent, regular walking. On each step raise one arm up to the armpit. Start slowly and try to synchronize arm-leg movement. Always raise the opposite arm to the front leg.

9. DB standing alternate raises to armpit and lateral bend
same position; instead of simultaneous arm raise one alternates arm raise with a lateral bending movement. Keep the trunk in the same plane. Do not lean the trunk forwarda or arch it backwards.

10. DB standing alternate raise to armpit and running in place
similar to the DB walk exercise, only one runs in place with high knees

11. DB standing simultaneous raise to armpit and bouncing in place
this exercise is similar to the DB Raise to the armpit. The only difference is that on each DB raise during the rising movement we continue with a vertical bouncing movement and pay special attention to the rebounding phase. Keep the abdominal muscles tight and do not push the hips forward.

12. DB standing squat and raise to armpit
Standing, parallel DB next to your thights. Go in comfortable deep squat and stand up raising up on toes and the DB under the armpit.

13. DB standing squat jump and raise to armpit

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